
Full service list


Tree Pruning.

Tree pruning is the removal or reduction of parts of the tree whether they be diseased, dying, potentially dangerous, or simply healthy branches that are removed for cosmetic reasons.

Pruning techniques include: Crown Lifting, Crown Reduction, Crown Thinning , Tree Pollarding.

Incorrect pruning can structurally weaken a tree and/or provide access to pests and diseases so it is important to have your trees pruned by a qualified arborist.

Tree Felling.

Occasionally, it is necessary to completely remove a tree, usually referred to as ‘felling’.

Where space allows, a tree can be felled at ground level; though more often than not, in our common urban environment, it will need to be taken down carefully in what is known as ‘dismantling’, where the tree is taken apart, piece by piece to avoid damage to surrounding property.

Dead wood.

Dead branches on a tree can indicate disease, damage or old age, and may attract insects or decay organisms. The removal of dead branches, known as dead wooding, tidies the appearance of a tree, and prevents those branches from unexpectedly falling on a house or a person.


A hedge is created by growing a series of plants closely together and trimming them regularly to stimulate growth and maintain a particular shape, and is often used as a living fence or boundary. We can help tidy and maintain your existing hedge or provide advice about how to establish a new one..

Stump Grinding.

A stump is often left sticking above ground level when a tree is removed. A special machine called a grinder, which has metal teeth attached to a wheel that rotates at high speeds, can be used to rip apart the stump to below ground level in a process known as stump grinding.

Tree Inspections & Planning Applications

We are able to complete detailed tree inspections and arboricultural surveys of your trees, including diagnosis of any diseases that are present – a process which may include climbing or use of a drone to inspect the health of the tree high in the canopy. We carry out both Ground and Aerial Inspections in order to inspect, investigate, collect and record data on the tree.

It is also a good idea to check whether you need to apply for planning permission from your local council if you are within a conservation area or under a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) before you do any tree work because you can be fined or prosecuted for unlawfully clearing vegetation.